Pop philosopher Big B for Big Boss
Yes, it’s Big B for Big Boss! Confirms Amitabh Bachchan, “The channel had been in meetings with me for a while to assess the possibilities of my being associated with Big Boss, the Indian version of the popular Big Brother.”He adds, “I had been aware of the show and seen bits of it on and off, but when it came up as an offer for participation, I went into discussions with the management on how we could perhaps with my involvement, bring certain changes where my presence would compliment not just the concept but also in a sense those audiences that viewed it.”
The show, he says, starts in October and ends by December 2009. Bachchan, the former host of Kaun Banega Crorepati, blogs, “There has been an aspect of TV shows, ever since I got involved with KBC, that has intrigued me immensely — the science or the philosophy that goes into designing such concepts. I believe that no matter what the idea has been in the construct of such dimension, there is something that delves deeper, that thinks and reasons, that calculates and assesses the nature of human behaviour.”
“What does it do to the human mind or to an individual, when it is put into such severe circumstances as in the discussed program? 13 individuals, unknown to each other, watched and monitored closely by 35 cameras, put together for a period of 84 days without any contact with the outside world, into one house ... how on earth did they devise such a thought? Did they just get up one morning and start operations, was it some ridiculous idea of a brain damaged person ... what?”
Bachchan asks, “How would you feel if you were deprived of your newspaper early in the morning. On days when the press shuts because of a National Holiday, our morning routine suddenly seems utterly disrupted. Imagine not being with a newspaper for 84 days. Not having access to a mobile or any connectivity. No access to any form of entertainment through television or radio. No time pieces to ascertain what time it is.”
“And then ... . when you come in after a week to assess why the inmates behaved the way they did, it becomes somewhat of a challenge. I felt if this ‘face’ for the show, could, instead of merely coming in there looking pretty to evict voted out contestant, be able to talk to the individuals and perhaps in his wisdom try to discover or unfold the reasons behind the behavior of certain inmates, it would go a long way in not only giving the participants an opportunity to re look at themselves for the following week, but also provide sufficient fodder to the audience that views the program.”
He explains, “The idea is not to intellectualize the moment, not to become the messiah so to say, or an authoritative judge and jury, but a friendly philosopher, a ‘pop philosopher’ as nomenclatured by the channel, to leave something behind for perhaps a dining table discussion. For the contestants perhaps to consider what had been offered.”
Bachchan wonders, “What is it that instigates temper, intolerance, assertiveness, emotion among us and how does it get related in a situation that the show exemplifies. Would it through debate and discussion elevate a situation or make it worse. Could it be possessing qualities of moral rectitude? Would it provide material that could induce an emulation of sorts? Fascinating!”
The show is going through changes, he says. “It was then this element of the show, the attention for which, the management needed to assure me of, before I would accept signing on. They appreciated the thought, assured all of their desire to take the concept to a higher level and got about the task of ensuring that it was brought into practice with renewed vigor.”
“From the look of the ‘face’, to the furniture within, to the modes of bringing in the contestants, all went through severe change. And I am happy to note that right from the start there has been a desire to make sure that what has been discussed is being executed.”
Here’s looking forward to seeing you in your role, Mr Bachchan!
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